We have a final clutch of six eggs

Our barn owls have now settled on six eggs.

It will be quiet in the nest chamber for the next two weeks with little to see.

Barn owls incubate from the first egg so we can expect the first chick sometime early in the week beginning 23rd May.

Viewers may have noticed lots of primary feathers in the nest. These have been moulted by the female. She will grow some replacement feathers whilst she is incubating.

We now have six eggs!

May 5th 2022

Yesterday afternoon at 1.41pm, the barn owls laid a sixth egg.

Six is not an unusual number as barn owls are prolific egg layers.

If there is to be a seventh it should be visible later on Friday evening.

Fourth Egg!

The fourth egg was laid at breakfast time today!

At 7.40am today the fourth egg was laid.

If there is to be a fifth egg, it should be visible sometime on Sunday.